Magura is located in 23 degrees 29 minutes north latitudes and 89 degrees 26 minutes east longitude. 1049 square kilometer meters
91 Magura-1 and 92 magura-2
Total population: 9,13,000 people
Male: 4,53,000 people
Female: 4,60,000 people
Population density: 871 people per square km
Number of boxes: 205,600
(According to census and hometown of 2011)
Total number of voters: 5,34,115
Male: 2,60,169
Female: 2,73,946
Literacy rate among the districts of Magura: 44.7%
Magura Sadar: 45.75%
Salakha: 43.99%
Sreepur: 43.49%
Mohamdpur: 44.5%
School-College Information:
College: Government 2 + Private 24 Total = 26
Polytechnic College: 1
Secondary School: Government 2 + Private 147 Total = 149
Junior Secondary School: 30
Madrasah: 72
Technical College: 15
Business and Management College: 4
Law College: 1
Teachers Training College: 1
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS